

Welcome to -Mortens ConMon- webpage.


Content of this webpage:

What is "-Mortens ConMon-"?


-Mortens ConMon- is a tool to monitor an online-connection. This can be useful in case you have a flatrate and/or paying for your online amount. Whereas this amount can be of time or of traffic (bytes transferred).
-Mortens ConMon- was designed to handle RAS (e.g. modem/ISDN/ADSL/DSL) connections. So network traffic is measured on the RAS- and not network card - level.
-Mortens ConMon- features transfer limit warnings and automatic disconnect if a specific transfer limit (data/time) has been reached. Furhtermore tools for traffic analysis are integrated. All traffic is written to an ASCii-INI file so that it can be imported into other applications as well. Last but not least -Mortens ConMon- resides in the systray of MS Windows thus allowing quick access to the major functionality (such as connect/disconnect).
I am aware that there are plenty of tools like that. I wrote this anyway mainly because... firstly I wanted to have specific functionality which is offered either only by some (commercial) applications ot not in that combination and secondly because I found that many tools are overloaded with functionality I would never use.
This program is freeware!



Here you can see a screenshot of -Mortens ConMon- in action:
Click on it to see it in full-size.

MCM main screen MCM configuration options MCM history analysis MCM statistics

Download latest version...


The latest version of -Mortens ConMon- is: v1.01 (build 9, compiled 18.03.2005).
There are two versions for you to download:

1.) The full version - 2.12 MB.
This is a .zip-archive which includes the full setup with install/uninstall feature and all needed libraries.
Please follow these instructions to install:

  • Unextract the .zip-archive to a temporary directory (e.g. "c:\Temp")
  • Run "setup.exe" which will guide you through the install procedure.
  • Finished... ;-)

2.) The update version - 74.0 kB.
This package has no libraries included. You can (also) use it as an update for -Mortens ConMon- version(s) after v1.00.
If you have already installed any other of my software products, then this version should work for you as well.
Please download the file and follow these instructions to install:

  • Unextract the .zip-archive to a temporary directory (e.g. "c:\Temp")
  • Copy the extracted "ConMon.exe" - file to you -Mortens ConMon- installation directory, normally located at "c:\program files\Mortens ConMon".
  • Finished... ;-)

By the way: You are WELCOME to report bugs or making any suggestions on -Mortens ConMon-. I will always try to consider this in the next version(s).

Please note: -Mortens ConMon- was developed using M$ Visual Basic v6.0 (SP5).

Version history... [top]

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