Content of this webpage:
Changes and improvements in -Mortens ConMon-:
Version 1.01 - build 9
Added / improved / fixed:
- Added: Ability to see IP connect state
- Added: Ability to export recorded transfers to CSV-file from history
- Added: Ability to view IP address list statistic of recorded transfers
- Improved: Transfer ticker shows some more information
- Improved: Made listboxes/listviews autofit to content
- Improved: Messages for better understanding
- Improved: Made statistics to have to be enabled
- Fixed: IP address was not determined if an external application
initiated the connection
- Fixed: Bug in message hooking within history
- Fixed: (internal) Bug in DglPosit handler
Version 1.00 - build 7
Added / improved / fixed:
- This is the initial release of -Mortens ConMon-.
If you have any ideas how to improve -Mortens ConMon- please
don't hesitate to contact me!
Versions before 1.00
The versions before the initial release were not posted on this webpage.
By the way: You are WELCOME to report bugs or making any suggestions
on -Mortens ConMon-. I will always try to consider this in the next
Please note: -Mortens ConMon- was developed using M$ Visual Basic
v6.0 (SP5).